Race Tracks, Race Horses.
Loew's Triboro Theatre
Geo. Semler's, Mount Vernon.
Entertainment given by Wm. Golden Mortimer, M.D. under the auspices of the Young Men's Class (Church of the Redeemer.)
Street Scenes, 39-43 West 23rd St. 1899.
John I. Earle
Greeting from Chauncey St.
Hotel Biltmore, Mad. Ave. & 43rd St., Street Scene, Automobile and doorman and pedestrians in front of entrance.
Corporal Thompson Madison Cottage.
Harlem Steamboats and Railroad
["Night Presence IV".]
Weddings, S.H. Rosenblatt.
Madison Square, 24th and 25th Streets.
Waterfront-Erie (Pavonia) Ferry House 1896 W. 23rd St. and No. River.
[Photostat map of Manhattan from 63rd Street to the Battery, showing distances from City Hall]
Horses, Mr. W. Trevor, Riverside Drive, Central Park.
First Avenue [First Avenue to Third Avenue]
East 86th Street [64th Street to 178th Street]
27th Avenue, no. 1422, Astoria