From J. B. Eckert, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Butter & Cheese
Frank P. Basset, Wholesale Dealer in Produce
Fancy & Windsor Chair Manufactory, Wholesale & Retail
James H. Noe, Wholesale Dealer in Wooden & Willow Ware
From James H. Noe, Wholesale Dealer in Wooden and Willow Ware
J. Scott. Dealer in Oil Cloths, Window Shades & Paper Hangings
Rogers & Raymond Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Clothing
Lewie's Wholesale and Retail Jewelry Establishment
The Hatch Lithographic Company
The South American Fever and Ague Remedy
Great Eagle Tea and Coffee Store
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company
Washington St. and Vesey Street [Wall Street to Waverly Place]
Peter B. Hassett
"Easter Belles"
J. H. Richardson, Wood Engraver
Henry Emonnet and M. Laforgue, & Co.