The Corn Exchange Bank. West 42nd St. Branch. 303 West 42nd Street
[Madison Avenue and 42nd Street.]
[Sixth Avenue and 42nd Street.]
265 Broadway. Corn Exchange Bank
[West 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue. Terminal hotel.]
East 57th Street and First Avenue, southwest corner. Corn Exchange Bank Trust Company
West 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue. Street view with stairs to elevated train and platform
33 Flatbush Avenue. Corn Exchange Bank
[Vanderbilt Avenue and East 42nd Street.]
[42nd Street.]
50 Court Street. Chemical National Bank
157 East 42nd Street. The Corn Exchange Bank.
3 East 42nd Street. Corn Exchange Bank, Grand Central branch.
West 43rd Street and Eighth Avenue, northwest corner. Manufacturers Trust Company
234 West 42nd Street. Exterior
Spring Street and Broadway, southwest corner. Corn Exchange Bank
Franklin Savings Bank Addition. S.E. Cor. 42nd St. & Eighth Ave.
110 East 42nd Street. Bowery Savings Bank. Entrance