"The Polish Jew"
"The First Kiss"
"The Rabbi's Melody"
"Beautiful As The Moon" [Music for "The Wise Fool".]
"Love is a Flower" [Music for "Yankele Tzigainer".]
"The Inheritance"
"The Shattered Souls"
"I Love You Too Much" [Music for "The Organ Grinder".]
Tell Me Again [Music for "The Bridegroom From Berditchev".]
Faith in God [Music for "The Power of Passion".]
"Russian Love"
"The Power of Nature"
"You Are An Angel From Heaven" [Music for "The Golden Soldier".]
"The Jewish Crown"
"Three Cities"
"Lost Youth"
"Where Is My Luck?" [Music for "Bublitchki" ("Little Bagels").]
"The Fiddle" [Music for "The Girl of Yesterday".]
Popular Songs From Israel Zangwill's Play "King of the Schnorrers"
"The Violin" [Music for "The Power of Youth".]