Thomas Brown, Dealer in Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Overshoes and Umbrellas
Thomas Brown, Dealer in Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes
[James A. Garfield.]
J. A. Garfield
Gen. James A. Garfield.
Between the Acts Cigarettes
[James A, Garfield with unidentified men, possibly his cabinet.]
The Garfield Family.
Henry Runyan
Jewelers Legion [for] Garfield & Arthur
P. Deming, Dealer in Boots and Shoes
M. & B. Barnert, the Popular Clothiers and Merchant Tailors
[Wm. Eaton's Boots & Shoes.]
New Jersey - Princeton Quadrangle
Edward Shannon, Dealer in Ales, Wines, Liquors & Segars
N. Greenbaum Fine Boots and Shoes
S.R. Brick & Son
H. Sternau, Fine Boots and Shoes
Automobile trucks.