[Maurice Schwartz as David Shapiro in Sholem Aleichem's "Hard to Be a Jew".]
[Joseph Buloff in "Hard to Be a Jew".]
[Miriam Kressyn and Joseph Buloff in "Hard to Be a Jew".]
[Miriam Kressyn in "Hard to Be a Jew".]
[Stan Porter, unidentified actress, and Bruce Adler in "Hard to Be a Jew".]
[Stan Porter, Joseph Buloff and Bruce Adler in "Hard to Be a Jew".]
"Hard to Be a Jew" produced and directed by Maurice Schwartz at the Civic Playhouse, Hollywood, California
"Jew Suss"
"Shver tsu zayn a yid" ["Hard to be a Jew".]
[Anna Teitelbaum in "Jew Suss".]
"The Great Jew"
[Samuel Goldenberg in "Back to His People".]
["A Story With a Prince" theater still.]
[Mina Bern, Shmulik Goldstein, Lili Lilliana and Shimen Dzigan in "A Jew Has His Country".]
[Joshua Zeldis as Hotsmakh in "A Goldfaden Dream".]
[Reproduction of a poster for "A Story With a Prince".]
[Michael Lux and Jacob Holtz in "The Singer of His Sorrow".]