"The Dybbuk"
[Unidentified actress in "Her Last Dance".]
["Her Last Dance" theater still.]
[Moshe Feder with child actors in "Her Last Dance".]
"Dance, Song and Wine"
"You Are An Angel From Heaven" [Music for "The Golden Soldier".]
"Warsaw at Night"
"The Bloody Laughter"
"The Air Merchant"
"Her Great Mistake"
"The Next-Door Neighbor"
"The Ship of Saints"
"Chaver Nachman" ["Comrade Nachman".]
"The Great Jew"
"The Good Soldier Schweik"
"With The Rabbi's Strength"
"What Good Is It To Worry About Tomorrow" [Music for "The Jolly Cantor".]
Tell Me Again [Music for "The Bridegroom From Berditchev".]
[Zvee Scooler's debut as the bridegroom in "The Dybbuk".]