44th Street and Fifth Avenue. Guaranty Trust Company. Entrance
[Guaranty Trust Company entrance.]
West 43rd Street and Eighth Avenue, northwest corner. Manufacturers Trust Company
[66 Liberty Street. Guaranty Trust Company. Interior, entrance.]
1696 Myrtle Avenue. Ridgewood. Manufacturers Trust Company. Interior
1 East 57th Street. New York Trust Company. Interior, entryway
80 Broadway. Central Union Trust Company. Entrance
70 Broadway. Central Hanover Trust Bank. Interior, entry
57 Street and 5th Avenue, N.E. corner. Manufacturers Trust Company in base, general exterior.
35 East 72nd Street. Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company. Entrance
66 Liberty Street. Guaranty Trust Company. Interior, entrance
[66 Liberty Street. Guaranty Trust Company. Interior.]
1 East 57th Street. New York Trust Company. Interior, vault entrance
60 Broadway at Exchange Place. Knickerbocker Trust Company. Interior
176 Broadway. Title Guarantee and Trust Co., entrance.
[60 Broadway at Exchange Place. Knickerbocker Trust Company. Interior.]