1075 Park Avenue. Apartment building
975 Park Avenue. Apartment building
77 East 89th Street at the corner of Park Avenue. General exterior, apartment building.
953 Park Avenue. Building, general exterior.
941 Park Avenue. Apartment building
888 Park Avenue. Apartment building
East 88th Street and Park Avenue. Apartment building
[Park Avenue and 69th Street.]
1045 Park Avenue. Apartment building
Park Avenue at the S.W. corner of 81st Street. Watercolor rendering, apartment house.
[935 Park Avenue at 81st Street, S.E. corner. Apartment buildings, exterior.]
1082 5th Avenue. Park view [from] Charles Phillips residence.
[Park Avenue and East 72nd Street.]
660 Park Avenue. Apartment building
903 Park Avenue and N.E. corner East 79th Street. Apartment house.
[Park Avenue and 61st Street.]
[88th Street and Madison Avenue.]
640 Park Avenue. Apartment building