Compliments of the Mechanical Orguinette Co.
M. & B. Barnert, the Popular Clothiers and Merchant Tailors
But the Owl'd Mark's Adjustable Folding Easy Chair "Beats" All Others
[James Wilde, Jr. & Co. Clothiers.]
James Wilde Jr. & Co. Clothiers
Hudson Tunnels, Mezzanine Floor, Hoboken Terminal.
The Genuine Murray & Lanman Florida Water
[Aftermath of the Newark Bay rail accident.]
On August 17, 1808, the first steamboat, Rob't Fulton's "Clermont" started its famous trip up the Hudson River, and on Aug. 19th, arrived at Albany.
[Coupon for Traphagen, Hunter and Co. 398, 400, 402 Bowery.]
Riverside Drive, from Hudson River Near Eighty-sixth Street, New York.
Lower East River Front, N.Y.
Traphagen, Clothier
Robert K. Davies & Co.
Hudson River and Grant's Tomb, New York City.
A. Raymond & Co., Fashionable Clothiers
A. Raymond & Co., Clothiers