A Thousand Thanks for Your Patronage. Pete's Tavern
Interiors, Elsie de Wolfe, Library.
Maison Demorest Reliable Patterns
[31 East 17th St.]
Miss McCabe's Academy for Dancing
[112-114-116-118-120-122 Ninth Avenue]
East 17th Street [Ninth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue, West 3rd Street to 23rd Street]
Building, 101 Fifth Ave.
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue Around 17th Street.
Dining Room in the Home of Elsie de Wolfe & Elisabeth Marbury, 1896.
[Corner of Irving Place and 17th Street.]
Official Emblem April 27th 1968 Peace Parade
Maison Demorest
Compliments of Nicoll the Tailor
Matt. Winkle. Kinvara Club
Lockhart, Veterinary Surgeon
La Floride