From R. Hutcheson, Dealer in Fine Groceries
Carrol & Regan Oyster Dealers
Ch. Haupt, Anatomical Boot & Shoe Maker
F. & M. Schaefer's Golden Liquid Lager Bier
J. Scott. Dealer in Oil Cloths, Window Shades & Paper Hangings
R. H. Staveley, Dealer in Fine Toys
Edward Shannon, Dealer in Ales, Wines, Liquors & Segars
Chas. B. Koller, Fine Segars
Industrial Gems. Compliments of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York
Nathan Heyman, Manufacturer of Segars
Gensler Bros.
Sharkey's Magic Liquid Solder
Karl Giese's Celebrated Wiener Lager Bier
Karl Giese, Bottler of Wiener Lager Bier
Charlie's Cordials and Beverages
Olympic Club, Wine Card
Liquors "Charlie"
The Finest of Wines, Liquors, Cordials and Gins Are Available
Special Drinks and Great Wines [Tuesday's.]