[Court of States.]
[Detail of the entrance to the United States Pavilion - Federal Building.]
[United States Pavilion - Federal Building across the Lagoon of Nations.]
[Pedestrians in front of an unidentified building.]
[A trolley in the Court of Power.]
[Approach to the Ford exhibition building.]
["Four Victories of Peace" statue.]
[Pedestrians and a souvenir stand in front of the Trylon and Perisphere.]
[Pedestrians in front of the Trylon and Perisphere.]
[People walking by the "Speed" statue in Communication Court.]
[Hall of Petroleum and the U.S. Steel Building.]
[Band playing in front of the George Washington statue.]
["Freedom of Speech" statue.]
["Moods of Time" sculptures in front of the Trylon and Perisphere.]
[Ford exhibition building.]
[Italian Pavilion.]
[Communication Zone looking towards the Trylon and Perisphere.]
[People at the World's Fair.]
[People at the World's Fair, the Trylon in the distance.]
[GE exhibition building.]
1939 World's Fair
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