[The Italian and British Pavilions across the Lagoon of Nations.]
[Detail of the entrance to the United States Pavilion - Federal Building.]
[Lagoon of Nations looking towards the Hall of Nations.]
[League of Nations.]
[Hall of Nations.]
[View of British pavilion across Lagoon of Nations, New York World's Fair.]
[Court of States - Commonwealth of Massachusetts' building.]
[Entrance to the British Pavilion.]
[British Pavilion.]
[Italian Pavilion.]
Federal Building and Foreign Pavilions, Lagoon of Nations, Court of Peace, New York World's Fair
[United States - Federal Building.]
[British and Italian Pavilions through the Lagoon of Nations.]
[United States - Federal Building behind fountains.]
[Facade of the United States - Federal Building.]
[Court of States.]
[Interior of the United States - Federal Building.]