[Ludwig Satz in "The Grandfather".]
[Ludwig Satz and Berta Gersten in "The Lunatic".]
[Ludwig Satz in "Poor Man, How High Are You Aiming?"]
[Ludwig Satz singing "Ikh benk aheym" in "The Rabbi's Melody".]
[Louis Hyman, Ludwig Satz, Nettie Tobias, Berta Gersten and other actors in "The Lunatic".]
[Ludwig Satz and Reuben Wendorff in "Clever Madman".]
[Ludwig Satz and Celia Adler in H. Kalmanovitch's "The Second Love".]
Song Hits of Ludwig Satz's Musical-Comedy Sensation "His Wife's Lover" with Joseph Shoengold
[Ludwig Satz and Lucy Levine in "His Wife's Lover".]
[Ludwig Satz in an unidentified production.]
[Dinah Goldberg in "Children Come Home".]
[Lillie Feinman and Ludwig Satz.]
["Hershel the Jester" theater still.]
[Ludwig Satz.]
Tell Me Again [Music for "The Bridegroom From Berditchev".]
["The Jolly Cantor" theater still.]
[Ludwig Satz with the mayor of Boston, preparing for his trip to Europe on the Graf Zeppelin.]
"What Good Is It To Worry About Tomorrow" [Music for "The Jolly Cantor".]
[Rehearsal for "His Wife's Lover".]