["Day and Night" theater still.]
[Chaim Schneyer and Miriam Elias in "Day and Night".]
[Chaim Schneyer in "Day and Night".]
[Theater still of S. Ansky's "Day and Night".]
[Yitzkhok Rotblum, Jacob Jergreen and Wolfe Barzell in "Day and Night".]
[Bella Bellarina and Lazar Fried in "The Dybbuk".]
[Bella Bellarina and Maurice Schwartz in "King Saul".]
"Tog un nakht" ["Day and Night".]
[Wedding scene in "Idle Inn".]
[Joshua Zeldis in "Dreams and Deeds".]
[Sarah Stabin, Joshua Zeldis, Ely Arnou and Lillian Lux in "Dreams and Deeds".]
[Bella Bellarina in an unidentified production.]
["Dreams and Deeds" theater still.]
[Joshua Zeldis and Renee Spector in "The King and the Cobbler".]
["The King and the Cobbler" theater still.]