[Lagoon of Nations showing the Hall of Nations.]
[Hall of Nations showing the USSR and Lithuania Buildings.]
[British and Italian Pavilions through the Lagoon of Nations.]
[British and Italian Pavilions showing the Lagoon of Nations.]
[Facade of the United States - Federal Building.]
[View of the League of Nations from the Perisphere.]
[Pennsylvania Building in the Court of States.]
[Texas Building in the Court of States.]
[The Trylon and Perisphere in the distance of a flag-lined walkway.]
[View of a garden with a Swedish flag and the Trylon visible.]
["Spirit of the Wheel" statue in front of the Railroad Building.]
[United States - Federal Building.]
[Administration Building with the Trylon and Perisphere in the background.]
[New Jersey Building in the Court of States.]
["Celestial Sphere" sculpture in the Court of States.]
[Avenue of the Patriots looking toward the Trylon and Perisphere.]
[Interior of the United States - Federal Building.]
[Detail of a statue on the United States - Federal building facade.]
[French Pavilion.]