Tobacco pipe
Tea cup
Anthropomorphic clay pipe
Soda water bottle
James Cottrell, House & Sign Painter
Happy New Year. The Members of Pearl Hose Company No. 28 At Home
Third night of Mr. Wood's engagement. On Monday evening, September 17, 1810, will be presented the comedy, "The Wheel of Fortune"
Henry Erben, Organ Builder
Centre Street and Pearl Street. St. Andrews Roman Catholic Church. Interior, view toward rear
Mr. Marble as Josh Sims in "Family Ties" and as Lot in "Hue and Cry", Tuesday, June 23
Centre Street and Pearl Street. St. Andrews Roman Catholic Church. Interior, detail of confessional
Centre Street and Pearl Street. St. Andrews Roman Catholic Church. Interior, detail of organ screen on balcony
Mr. Marble in three plays, "Sam Patch in France", "Vermont Wool Dealer" and "Black Eye'd Susan", Wednesday, June 24
Map of Real Estate to be Sold at Auction by the Order of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund
[New York State Supreme Court and Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse.]
Entertainment and Reception of the Whoop De Doo Club and Johnny Young & Billy Bruno Association
Centre Street and Pearl Street. St. Andrews Roman Catholic Church. Interior, view of pews and confessionals
Sixth Annual Ball of the Lexington Association
["Bridge of Sighs" connecting "The Tombs" to the Criminal Courts Building.]
Cholera. Health Reporter