Dr. Richau's Golden Remedies
[Use Carter's Little Nerve Pills.]
Darktown Tourists - Coming Back On Their Dig.
Use Carter's Little Nerve Pills
Buchan's Carbolic Laundry Soap
Buchan's Carbolic Toilet Soap
[Page in Cost KRT's black book.]
Ask Your Grocer for Linen Soap
Thurbers' Pride of the Kitchen Soap
Lyon's Laundry Sulphur Borax Soap
Welcome Soap. Curtis Davis & Co.
The Horse That Died on the Man's Hands.
Chas. S. Higgins' German Laundry Soap
D.S. B & Co. Soap Makers & Perfumers
I Use Soapine
Nasty Spade [19?] Years Old... [Page in sketchbook owned by TRC and Delta II.]
David S. Browne & Co. Soap Makers & Perfumers
A Walking Match Between Two Editors