John H. Mead, Turner
United States Life Insurance Co.
Grand Street and Essex Street [Gansevoort Street to Irving Place]
Jos. Stiner & Co.
Hanover Fire Insurance Co.
Cheesebrough Manufacturing Co.
Henry Emonnet and M. Laforgue, & Co.
East Side Public Schools 2. Class without desks in the Essex Market School.
East Side Public Schools 6. Class in the Essex Market School.
East Side Public Schools 3. "Playground" of the Essex Market School. The hall with rows of closets opening on it.
Jos. A. Bluxome & Co.
A. Goetting & Co.
"Playground" of the Essex Market Public Shcool, Row of Closets [Toilets] Opening on It.
Ira Perego, Patent Bosom Shirts
Ira Perego, Importer & Manufacturer of Gentlmens Fine Furnishing Goods