[Unidentified fountain.]
[Baboon Fountain and the Metals Building.]
[Lily pads in a fountain.]
["Fountain of the Atom" by Waylande Gregory.]
[United States - Federal Building behind fountains.]
[Fountain in the Production and Distribution Zone looking toward the Trylon and Perisphere.]
[The "Fountain of Atoms" and "American Womanhood" statue in front of the Home Furnishing Building.]
["Moods of Times" sculpture and a statue of George Washington.]
["Moods of Time" sculpture and a statue of George Washington.]
[Statue of George Washington and the Trylon and Perisphere.]
[Firework show.]
[View of the League of Nations from the Perisphere.]
[The Trylon and Perisphere lit up at night.]
["Manhattan" in front of the Marine Transportation Building.]
["Europa" sculpture.]
[British and Italian Pavilions.]
["Celestial Sphere" sculpture in the Court of States.]
[Lagoon of Nations showing the Hall of Nations.]