The World of Tomorrow. New York World's Fair.
What the "Peep O'Day" Alarm Clock Did!
The Discomfited Drummers. A Tale of Duke of Durham Tobacco
New Home Sewing Machine Co.
A Changed Man
[Transformation of unidentified street from 1823 to about 1850.]
Dutton & Rhodes
Buy the New Remington No. 3
Summit Mineral Spring Water
Manhattan Club Golf Tournament June 11th 1930
Allen's Jewel Five Cent Plug
Rhymes for Young Democrats
The Young Auctioneer
Both Sides of Broadway from Bowling Green to Worth Street [New York Sun Building on Broadway between Chambers and Reade Streets.]
Compliments of the Mechanical Orguinette Co.
James W. Latham, Engraver of Ladies' Visiting Cards
New York, Boston and Northern Railway Co.