"When a Mother Is Missing" [Music for "Stepmothers".]
"I Am a Mother" [Music for "Her Great Secret".]
"A Heim, A Heim" ["Homeward, Homeward". Music for "A Night of Love".]
"I Can Forget Everybody But Not You" [Music for "Katinka".]
"I'll Always Be Yours" [Music for "The Circus Girl".]
"Forever Yours" [Music for "A Guest In Town".]
"Love is a Flower" [Music for "Yankele Tzigainer".]
"Yosele un Feygele" [Music for "A Village Wedding".]
"The Violin" [Music for "The Power of Youth".]
"I Love You" [Music for "Garden Of Love".]
"Leyke" [Music for "Happy Beggars".]
"The Fiddle" [Music for "The Girl of Yesterday".]
"Queen of My Heart" and "A Paradise of Love" [Music for "Queen of My Heart".]
"Joy From Children" [Music for "Three Brides".]
"Just You Alone" [Music for "Siomka's Wedding".]
"Jenke" [Music for "Some Girl!".]
"A Little Love and a Little Luck" [Music for "Tsipke".]
Song Hits of Ludwig Satz's Musical-Comedy Sensation "His Wife's Lover" with Joseph Shoengold
"Sascha" [Music for "Bublitchki" ("Little Bagels").]
"You Are My Happiness" [Music for "The Little Clown".]