[Model of an unidentified city.]
[Unidentified model town.]
[Model of an unidentified area.]
[Model of an unidentified town.]
[Petroleum Industries Buidling with a model of an oil derrick.]
[Statue of a monkey.]
[Detail of a mural.]
["Moods of Time" sculpture and a statue of George Washington.]
[Flags and a statue of George Washington.]
["Moods of Times" sculpture and a statue of George Washington.]
[Birds in a cage.]
[Detail of a train.]
[Detail of a railroad locomotive.]
[Horse-drawn hose carriage in a scene of Parade of Railroads.]
[Thatcher Perkins locomotive in a scene of the Parade of Railroads show.]
[Statue of George Washington.]
["Dances of the Races" with the Building for the City of New York in the background.]
[Performers in a scene of the Parade of Railroads show.]
[People on a balcony of an unidentified building.]
["The Four Freedoms" and a statue of George Washington in front of the Trylon and Perisphere.]