[Plaza in front of the Eastman Kodak Building.]
New York Worlds Fair. Eastman Kodak Building
[Kodak building, New York World's Fair.]
[GE exhibition building.]
[Ship in the New England States exhibit in the Court of States.]
[New England States exhibit.]
[Pedestrians and line outside the General Motors exhibits.]
[Bell System exhibit entrance to the A.T. & T. Building.]
[Line into the Highways and Horizons exhibit in the GM building.]
[Line to enter the Highways and Horizons exhibit at the GM Building.]
[View from the Perisphere toward the Production & Distribution Zone.]
[Westinghouse exhibition at night.]
["Dances of the Races" with the Building for the City of New York in the background.]
[Creek in a garden exhibit.]
[Elevated view of the fairgrounds from the Amusement Zone to the Trylon and Perisphere.]
[Detail of sculpture on the Ford Building.]
["The Four Freedoms" and a statue of George Washington in front of the Trylon and Perisphere.]