Interior of one of Cowperthwait's 15 Show Rooms
Schwarywaelder's Diamond Stove Polish.
The Four Seasons of Life: Youth.
Be Sure and Try J.C. Jacoby & Co.'s Brilliant Self Shining Stove Polish
Never mind Chimmie, termorrer yer sells de Tribune and yer don't get stuck, see!
M. Schulz, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, &c.
P. Zeglio, Real Estate Agent
The Griswold Corset Parlors
New York Meat Co.
Bartlett & Green's Free and Bonded Warehouses and Elevators
What Is It? _ Or "Man Monkey".
Hebrew Charity Ball
Dead Men Tell No Tales
[Special issue representing the portraits of all the principal ladies and gentlemen who took prominent part in the reception of the Prince of Wales.]
New York Brass Co.
No Rose Without a Thorn.
George Haas