[Petroleum Building and a replica of an oil derrick.]
[Gas Industries Building.]
[People on a balcony of an unidentified building.]
[Model of an unidentified city.]
[Detail of an unidentified building.]
[Model of an unidentified area.]
[Model of an unidentified town.]
[Perisphere and Trylon from an unidentified plaza.]
[Trylon and Perisphere from an unidentified plaza.]
[The Trylon and Perisphere in the distance of a flag-lined walkway.]
[View of a garden with a Swedish flag and the Trylon visible.]
[Model of a city.]
Petroleum Industry Exhibition, Inc.
[Belgian Pavilion with the Trylon visible.]
[Audience of an unknown event in front of the United States - Federal Building.]
["The Four Freedoms" and a statue of George Washington in front of the Trylon and Perisphere.]
[People by the "Time" sculpture in front of the Business Systems and Insurance Building.]
[Czechoslovakia Pavilion.]
[Petroluem Building.]
[Avenue of the Patriots looking toward the Trylon and Perisphere.]