[Ship in the New England States exhibit in the Court of States.]
[Detail of mast rigging of a ship in the New England States exhibit in the Court of States.]
[Birds in a cage.]
[Statue in the garden of the Ford Building.]
[GE exhibition building.]
[New England States exhibit.]
[View of a garden with a Swedish flag and the Trylon visible.]
[Bell System exhibit entrance to the A.T. & T. Building.]
[Statue of a monkey.]
[Gardener working on flowerbeds in the Electric Utilities courtyard.]
[Woman in traditional clothes walking on a lawn.]
[Lily pads in a fountain.]
[Sculpture in a pond.]
[Westinghouse exhibition at night.]
[Sign for the Eastman Kodak exhibit.]
[Horse-drawn hose carriage in a scene of Parade of Railroads.]
[Line into the Highways and Horizons exhibit in the GM building.]
["Shot Putter" by Raoul Josset in the Amusement Zone.]