[Seven Ages of Man and the Bell System on the facade of the A.T. & T. Building.]
[Crowds outside the A.T & T. Building.]
[Entrance to the AT & T building.]
[Detail of entrance to the United States - Federal Building.]
[Entrance to the British Pavilion.]
[Statue on roof of AT & T Building at night.]
Interior of the A.T. & T. Building
[Entrance to the United States - Federal Building.]
[People by the "Time" sculpture in front of the Business Systems and Insurance Building.]
[Statue on the roof of the AT&T building.]
["Time" sculpture by Joseph Kiselewski in front of the Business Systems and Insurance Building.]
[GE exhibition building.]
[Petroleum Building and a replica of an oil derrick.]
[New England States exhibit.]
[Line to enter the Highways and Horizons exhibit at the GM Building.]
[Petroluem Building.]
[Entrance into the Perisphere.]
[Pedestrians and line outside the General Motors exhibits.]
[Approach to the Trylon and Perisphere.]