Mary E. Woolley
[Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (Abby Aldrich Rockefeller).]
Helen Keller
Mark Wilkins Freeman
[General and Mrs. Frederick Dent Grant (neé Ida Marie Honoré) and General and Mrs. Leonard Wood (neé Louisa A. Condit Smith).]
Jas. H. Scarr
F. D. Underwood
Liberian Commission. Geo. Sale, R. P. Faulkner, Geo. A. Finch, Sec'y.
Walter Averill [Averell] Harriman
Payne Whitney
Grace Bryan
Clara Clemens
T. C. Havemeyer
Mrs. Sophia M. Loebinger, Treas'r Nat'l Progressive Suffrage
W. J. Conners
J. H. McCooey
Jury of Art Awards, Carnegie Institute
[Otto T. Bannard.]
Chas. Page Bryan