Defund NYPD
Our Streets
Stronger Together
National Mass Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam Now!
Special Election. Why and How You Register and Vote
862 Park Avenue. Fredrick J. Kernochan residence, living room.
4 [also 2] East 62nd Street. Proposed women's club.
4 East 72nd Street. Cooperative apartments, detail of base.
Central Park "Be-in"
[Antiwar walkout.]
1075 Park Avenue. Mrs. Lewis Young's residence, apartment 4-A, living room.
7 Gracie Square. From [4th?] floor looking north at the park.
Living room in the Payne Whitney house.
Room in the Payne Whitney house.
Chinese Workers on Strike - Columbus Park, Chinatown, NYC
Mrs. Dudley Wolfe [residence], 4 East 72nd Street.