Lighter and ship
[Painters and paintings.]
[Ship and tugboat]
Tug and Lighter
Tug and Railcar barge.
Picking up the Pilot [Men disembarking the SS Normandie]
[Unidentified man examining object and signed painting by Reginald Marsh.]
Customs Men Boarding Liner.
[Unidentified woman and Reginald Marsh.]
[Painting by Reginald Marsh.]
[Preliminary drawings for murals in the Post Office Building in Washington, D.C.]
[Paintings by Reginald Marsh, a church, and portraits of women.]
Tri - Boro Bridge
[Man painting in studio.]
Coal - Dumper
Immigration Station and Liberty.
Unloading Cargo.
[Unidentified woman in studio standing behind portrait of herself.]