Bass orchestration for "The Merry Malones"
Flute and piccolo orchestration for "The Merry Malones"
First violin orchestration for "The Merry Malones"
"The Merry Malones" - Act I
"The Merry Malones" - Act II
"The Merry Malones"
Bassoon orchestration for "The American Idea"
Bassoon orchestration for "Billie"
Bassoon orchestration for "The Rise of Rosie O'Reilly"
Bassoon orchestration for "The Man Who Owns Broadway"
Bassoon orchestration for "Little Nellie Kelly"
Bassoon orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1918"
Bassoon orchestration for "Hello, Broadway!"
Cello orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1918"
Orchestration for "The Yankee Prince"
Cello orchestration for "The Little Millionaire"
Viola orchestration for "The Little Millionaire"
Tympani orchestration for "The Yankee Prince"
Bass orchestration for "The Little Millionaire"
Tympani orchestration for "The Little Millionaire"