250 West 57th Street. Fisk Building. Upper stories
250 West 57th Street. Fisk Building
250 West 57th Street. Fisk Building. Interior, entrance hall
West 57th Street. Fisk Building, finished view.
West 57th Street between Eighth Avenue and Broadway. Fisk Building interior. Detail of window on 2nd floor
West 57th Street between Broadway and Eighth Avenue. Firestone Tire Company Building
57th Street and Broadway. Fisk Building.
West 57th Street between Broadway and Eighth Avenue. General Motors Building
West 57th Street between 8th Avenue and Broadway. Fisk Building.
West 57th Street between Eighth Avenue and Broadway. Fisk Building interior. Willis St. Claire auto showroom
Fourteen Story Office Building. 119-121 West 57th Street New York City
West 57th Street and Seventh Avenue. Kelly Springfield Tire Building
W. 57th Street between 8th Avenue and Broadway. Fisk Building.
5 East 57th Street. Commercial building
West 57th Street. Fisk Building, detail of upper stories, from N.W.
West 57th Street. Steinway Hall.
27-29 West 57th Street. Chickering Hall