Swimming Pool. Madison Square Garden. N.Y.C.
Swimming Pool. Madison Square Garden. N.Y.C. Circus
Madison Square Garden. N.Y.C. Excavating for Pool
Madison Square Garden. N.Y.C. Looking N.E. from S.W. Corner of 26 St. and Madison Ave.
Madison Square Garden. N.Y.C. View looking North from roof of Madison Square Hotel
Madison Square Garden. N.Y.C. Looking East from roof 15 East 26 Street
[Madison Square Garden.]
Madison Square Garden N.Y.C.
[Madison Square Garden Interior.]
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue. Old Madison Square Garden. Fourth Avenue side
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue. Old Madison Square Garden
Madison Square Garden, 1891, General Exterior From Garden
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue. Old Madison Square Garden. View of turrets from roof garden
Madison Square Garden, 1891, Entrance Hall Lobby to Garden
Madison Square Garden, N.Y.C. From N.W. Cor. 27th St. and Fourth Ave. looking S.W. through 27 St.
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue. Madison Square Garden, detail of tower