"Calypso", Cotton Club, "Nightfall in Louisiana"
Mardi Gras - Cotton Club ["Calypso".]
Cotton Club - Minnie the Moocher
The Reverse - Cotton Club
Harlem Bolero [Costume design for the "Calypso" number in "Harlem Bolero".]
Bojangles - Bill Robinson Birthday Number - "Calypso" Detective - Cotton Club
Miss Lena Horne - Opening Number - "Lou [Lew] Leslie's Blackbirds" 1938
At the Cotton Club in '26.
Never a Location or Cover Charge at the Cotton Club
The Famous Cotton Club
NY Cotton Exchange
[Meg Mundy and George Cotton in "Lysistrata".]
Cotton Exchange, New York
Club, Merchants Club.
Cotton Exchange, New York.
[Lucy Cotton as Helen Fenton in "Polygamy".]
Manhattan Club Golf Tournament June 11th 1930
[New York Cotton Exchange.]