Looking South at North Side of Gate-way at 69 St. End of Alley, Showing Poor Condition of Stonework
South-West Corner 63rd St. and Madison Ave. East Gable Wall to 22 East 63rd Street
Gate at Southerly End of Alley on 69 St. Poor Condition of Stonework. Right End Wheel-Guard Broken Loose
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. North side of extension to 814 Fifth Ave. Section of [...] 2nd Floor window to #815 Fifth Ave. Crack between addition and main building. Also new brick i
Mother of Zion M.E. Church. West 138 St. N.Y.C. S.E. Corner looking N.W.at North Wall
S.W. Cor. Broadway and 73rd St. N.Y.C. South Building Line. Rod at a point on South line about 18 feet East of Easterly Line (along Broadway). View looking S.E. Figures looking from curb level elevati
#124 East 86th St. N.Y.C. From S.E. Corner 86th St. and Lexington Ave. Looking N.W. at North Side of Block Between Lexington and Park Ave.
#990 Fifth Ave. N.Y.C. Looking Down at Top to Bay. Fifth Ave. Side. View Looking North From Roof to 989 Fifth Ave.
#124 East 86 St. N.Y.C. From South Side 86 St. From Center of Park Ave. looking N.E. at Block Front North Side Bet. Park and Lexington Ave.
851 Madison Avenue Building. View Looking East Through Basment of Store Known as Gristede Bros. #853 Madison Ave.
443-45-47 East 74th St. New York. Looking North East From South Side of Street
South-west Corner Madison Ave. and 63rd St. Detail of Crack Over Easterly Basement Window to #22 East 63rd Street
Ziegler residence #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. Cracks in the rear of #813 Fifth Ave. Lower Stories
#124 East 86th St. N.Y.C. From N.E. Cor. 86th St. and Lexington Ave. Looking S.W. at South Side Block Between Lexington and Park Ave.
327 East 119th St. New York City. Front or South Wall to 327 East 119th St. View From Stoop to 326 East 119th St. Looking North
1510 Jerome Avenue, Bronx, New York City. Jerome Ave. Lots. 6, 11, 12 & 13 Whole Block in Bronx #2846. From Point About 40 Feet South West of Retaining Wall Along West Lot Line to #1533 Townsend Avenu
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. Rear of #816 Fifth Ave.
309 East 112th Street. New York City. From Entrance Doorway Looking North Through First Floor.
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. Rear of #814 Fifth Ave.
South-west Cor. Madison Ave. and 63rd St. North Gable Wall to Exterior in Rear #704 Madison Ave.