Allen Ginsberg on 2nd Ave.
La Taza De Oro, 8th Ave, NYC
St. Mark's and 2nd Avenue, Phone Booth
42nd St. and 8th Ave.
[Three drawings of a building on 2nd Avenue and 8th Street.]
Last Day of Horn & Hardart, 42nd St and 3rd Ave
Willy's Young World - 1st Ave. and 9th St.
[Northwest corner of 8th Street and 2nd Avenue.]
First Ave. & 8th St.
Ave C
2nd Ave & E. Houston St.
8th Ave. and 59th St. N.Y.
Theatre, Lyric, 42nd St. & Bet. 7th & 8th Aves.
Mrs. Sullivan - 40th and 7th Ave, NYC
8th Ave 119 - 120 Sts
W. 33 St. - 9th - 8th Aves
2nd Ave "El"
8th Ave & 57th St, NE corner, 7th - 8th Aves, 57th - 58th Streets
Residence, Miss Dodd, North Side of 21st St. Bet. 7th & 8th Aves.