Marcelino Sánchez, "Warriors," on subway
Marcelino Sánchez, one of the stars of "The Warriors" in subway station, N.Y.
Marcelino Sánchez, "Warriors"
Marcelino Sánchez, one of the stars of "The Warriors," in N.Y.C. subway
Warriors Fans with Marcelino Sánchez, Bronx, NY
Subway Approaching Queensboro Plaza
Providence Hotel, NYC
Chinatown, NYC
Subway Entrance
Aborigines in NYC
Adam Sowing the Garden of Eden, NYC
Cathy Putting Shirt On, LES, NYC
Partial Eclipse of the Sun, NYC
Andrews Hotel, The Bowery, NYC
Sunshine Hotel, The Bowery, NYC
The General, White House, The Bowery, NYC
Wall of Democracy, Chinatown, NYC
White House Hotel, The Bowery, NYC
Chinese Workers on Strike - Columbus Park, Chinatown, NYC