Aeolian Co., Bldg. Aeolian Co. 29 West 42nd Street.
New Deal Restaurant. 161 East 42nd St. N.Y.C.
Franklin Savings Bank Addition, S. E. Cor. 42nd St. & Eighth Ave. N.Y.C.
Franklin Savings Bank Addition, S.E. Cor. 42nd St. & Eighth Ave. N.Y.C.
121 West 42nd St. New York
[Aeolian Co., 1906, 27 W. 42nd St.]
The Corn Exchange Bank. West 42nd St. Branch. 303 West 42nd Street
Street Scenes - 1897. West 42nd St. Bet. 5th & 6th. 29 West 42nd St. - West Presbyterian Church.
[The Candler Building, 222 West 42nd Street.]
125 West 42nd Street. John David, storefront
West 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue. Men sleeping on steps in Bryant Park
233-39 West 42nd Street. Case Building
Four Corners, 5th Ave and 42nd St, N.Y.C.
West 42nd Street. Candler Building.
#51 East 92nd St. N.Y.C.
142 West 42nd Street. Bush Arcade
[West 42nd Street.]
234 East 52nd Street N.Y.C.
121 West 42nd Street. Adler Shoes