Adam Purple in the Garden of Eden
Adam Purple and "The Garden of Eden"
Adam Purple - The Garden of Eden
Adam Purple, The Garden of Eden, Eldridge Street
Orchard St., NYC
Stanton St., NYC
Sunshine Hotel, The Bowery, NYC
Frank Grande, Bowery Mission, NYC
Max R., Sunshine Hotel, The Bowery, NYC
Sunshine Hotel, NYC
Sunshine Hotel Cat, Bowery, NYC
Tony Massa and Michael Buchalew, Sunshine Hotel, Bowery, NYC
Orchard St.
Cashmere, Bed 214, Sunshine Hotel, Bowery, NYC
Nathan Smith, Manager, Room 38A, Sunshine Hotel, NYC
Jonesy/Handyman/Room TF, Sunshine Hotel, Bowery, NYC
Sering Wang Du, Bed 167, Sunshine Hotel, Bowery, NYC
Bruce Davis, Room 4C, Sunshine Hotel, Bowery, NYC
Vic K, Aft. Clerk, Room BF, Sunshine Hotel, Bowery, NYC