East 40th Street and Madison Avenue, northeast corner. Murray Hill Building. Artist rendering
East 40th Street and Madison Avenue. General street view
[East 60th Street and Madison Avenue, northwest corner. Commercial building.]
[Madison Avenue & 40th Street.]
16-18 East 40th Street. 12-story limestone building
East 59th Street and Park Avenue, southwest corner. Board of Education Building
[West 40th Street, looking toward 5th Avenue.]
[Northwest corner of 40th Steet and Madison Avneue.]
[Knox Building, Fifth Avenue and 40th Street.]
[East 40th Street and Madison Avenue. Man at overflowing mailbox.]
5 East 57th Street. Commercial building
260 Madison Avenue. Commercial building
[40th Street and 5th Avenue.]
Murray Hill Building. E. Cor. Madison Ave & 40th St.
10 East 40th Street
477 Madison Avenue. Commercial building. Entrance
15 East 40th Street. Metropolitan Art Association Building.
Lexington Avenue between East 40th Street and East 41st Street. Lexington Tower