[724-726 5th Avenue.]
2-8 West 46th St. New York. Fifth Ave. and 46 St. Corporation
724-726 5th Avenue. General exterior.
724-726 5th Avenue. General Exterior.
No. 425 Park Ave. New York City. From sidewalk on West side Park Ave looking East at Block Front. East side Park Ave; between 55 and 56 Sts.
Lans Antiques. N.W. Cor. 55 St. and Madison Ave. New York City
West Side of Fifth Ave. 57 to 58 Sts.
36th Street and Fifth Avenue. New York City Transportation Garage. Interior view of Otis proving stand with bus
#2 - 8 West 46 St. New York. Fifth Ave and 46 St. Corporation
Apartment Bldg for Mary Mason Jones Estate. 743 Fifth Ave. N.Y.C.
375 Park Ave. New York City. Block Front - East Side Park Ave. 52 to 53rd St. [Montana Apartments.]
West Side of Fifth Ave. 55 to 56 Sts.
Knickerbocker Watch Co.: 389 Fifth Ave. N.Y.C.
Fourteen Story Office Building. 119-121 West 57th Street New York City
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 57 to 56 Sts.
West 57th Street and Fifth Avenue. Whitney Residence
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 56 to 55 Sts.