Adam Purple in the Garden of Eden
Adam Purple and "The Garden of Eden"
Eldridge Street, NYC
Adam Purple, The Garden of Eden, Eldridge Street
Adam Purple - The Garden of Eden
Eldridge Street
Adam Sowing the Garden of Eden, NYC
Lower East Side Girl
Marisol Perez, Thay-leng, and Jonathan, residents of Urban Family Center (housing for homeless) - Henry St
Tony Massa and Michael Buchalew, Sunshine Hotel, Bowery, NYC
Providence Hotel, NYC
Essex Street, NY
Andrews Hotel
Teen Mother, Brooklyn
Jack Smith, Rm 131, Providence Hotel, Bowery, NYC
Andrews Hotel Lobby
Drago Skomina, Providence Hotel, Bowery, NYC
Jesus Peoy, Providence Hotel, Bowery, NYC
Frank L., Providence Hotel, The Bowery, NYC
Mike Slokevace, Andrews Hotel, Bowery, NYC