View from the Woolworth Tower Looking East, New York City.
Broadway Downtown and Entrance to Harbor as Seen from the Woolworth Tower, New York;
Brooklyn Bridge. N. Y. Skyline East River
New York, Skyline and East River, New York
Lower New York Skyline, East River
Lower New York Skyline and Brooklyn Bridge.
[Aerial view of the Triborough and Hell Gate Bridges.]
Lower New York Skyline
Lower New York Skyline, North River
Brooklyn Bridge and Harbor at Sunset;
Silhouette of Manhattan Island and Bridges
Lower Broadway as Seen From the U. S. Custom House, New York City
Lower New York View from the Harbor;
S.S. Leviathan and Skyline, New York;
South View from Chrysler Tower, Skyline and Harbor, N. Y.;
Whitehall Building, Battery Park and Entrance to North River, New York
View South from Central Park, Mid-Town Skyline, N.Y.C.
New York Midtown Skyline;
Manhattan Island, New York City
Lower New York View from the Harbor