"The Miracle Man" - Act I - Evans
"The Pullman Porter's Ball"
"The Musical Comedy Man"
"The Honeymooners" - Act I
"The Merry Malones" - Act II
"The Man Who Owns Broadway"
"The Man Who Owns Broadway" - Act III
"All in the Game"
Copies of All the Songs in Geo. M. Cohan's Musical Revue "Hello, Broadway!"
"The Belle of the Barbers' Ball"
"The Voice of McConnell"
"Hogan's Millions"
"Popularity" - Act III, Scene II
"The Miracle Man" - Evans
"The Ziegfeld" Song
"American Born"
"The Merry Malones" - Act I
The Governor's Son. Act III.
"Broadway Jones" - Act IV
"Fifty Miles from Boston" - Act I