For one night only, Miss Laura Keene and her splendid comedy company, on Wednesday evening, January 14, 1863, in Dion Boucicault's celebrated five-act comedy, "Old Heads and Young Hearts"
This Monday evening, February 9, the performance will commence with the petite comedy, entitled "Two Can Play At That Game"
Monday evening, June 2, will be presented for the first time, Bulwer's beautiful five-act play, entitled "Money"
This Friday evening, June 6, will be presented Coleman's celebrated comedy of "The Poor Gentleman"
Tuesday evening, November 1, 1860, will be represented Shakespeare's "Henry VIII". 28th night of the engagement of Miss Cushman, who will appear in her great character of Cardinal Wolsey
Monday, June 13, 1853, benefit of Mr. Wallack and last night of Shakespeare's comedy of "As You Like It" with Mr. Wallack as Jacques
Miss Fanny Herring in two pieces, assisted by the popular favorite Mr. E. Lamb. "Ireland As It Was" and "Sketches in India"
Monday evening, November 8th, 1852, "The Duke's Wager; or, A Night in the Bastile"
Wednesday evening, November 14, "Romeo and Juliet". 39th night of the engagement of Miss Cushman, when she will appear in her great character of Romeo with Mrs. Bowers as Juliet
Saturday evening, December 1, 1855, will be performed the tragedy in five acts, by the Rev. H. Milman, entitled "Fazio; or, The Italian Wife"
Thursday evening, February 28, 1861, will be presented the celebrated drama in four parts, from the works of Dickens, entitled "Oliver Twist". Miss Cushman in her great character of Nancy Sikes
"Dick the Newsboy; or, Young America", Monday evening, October 17, 1853
Wednesday evening, January 16, 1856, the drama in five tableaus, called "The Sea of Ice; or, The Thirst For Gold, and the Wild Flower of Mexico"
Brooklyn Academy of Music, Grand Opening Entertainment
Benefit of Mrs. D. P. Bowers in "Lady Audley's Secret", Friday, October 7, 1864 at Mrs. F. B. Conway's Park Theatre
"Our American Cousin" and "Poor Pillicody", Thursday evening, June 11, 1868
For the benefit of Mr. Forrest, who will on this occasion appear in the celebrated character of Othello, Thursday evening, May 3, 1849, in “The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice”
Julia Dean, appearing on Monday and Tuesday evenings, July 22 & 23, 1867, in the excellent play of "The Woman in White"
Wednesday evening, September 15, 1852, the popular comedy in two acts, "The Nervous Man and the Man of Nerve". First night of the Bateman children in conjunction with the Irish comedian, Mr. Collins
Mrs. Julia Dean Hayne will play a farewell engagement prior to her departure for Europe, commencing Tuesday, June 5, 1860, when she will appear in Bulwer's great play of "The Lady of Lyons"