Mr. Rice's benefit, and last night of his engagement. Monday evening, August 12, 1833, the grand spectacle in three acts, "Mazeppa; or, The Wild Horse of Ukraine"
Saturday evening, July 2, 1842, will be performed the laughable piece of "Deadshot"
Friday evening, March 10, will be performed the tragedy of "Pizarro; or, The Death of Rolla"
Saturday evening, November 1, first benefit of Leopold de Meyer, the greatest pianist of modern days, and last appearance
For the benefit of Mr. Fisher, "Wild Oats", on Saturday evening, June 5, 1847
Benefit of Mr. John Brougham and his last night. Saturday, January 23, will be played the drama in three acts, by Planche, called "A Day of Reckoning"
Benefit of Mr. Davidge. Friday evening, October 10, 1856, the performance will commence with the favorite play of "All Is Not Gold That Glitters"
Saturday evening, August 9, 1856. Grand gala night for the first benefit in America of Mlle. Robert on which occasion the wonderful Ravels and young Hengler will appear
Benefit of Mr. Blake. "The Game of Life" and "Who Speaks First?", Saturday evening, April 25
Mr. Simpson's benefit, Tuesday evening, February 7, 1826. The opera of "The Slave"
Saturday evening, June 27, will be produced Sir E. Bulwer's play of "The Lady of Lyons"
Thursday evening, September 4, 1856, the performances will commence with Sheridan's great play of "Pizarro; or, The Death of Rolla" in which Mr. J. E. Macdonough will make his first appearance
Incomparable bill! Look at it and stay away if you can. Wednesday evening, October 8, 1856, the performances will commence with an adaptation of "Dred; or, The Dismal Swamp" in three acts
Thursday evening, June 25, 1857, the performance will commence with the play in five acts, entitled "Love's Sacrifice; or, The Rival Merchants", with Mrs. T. S. Hamblin as Margaret Elmore
Saturday evening, September 19, 1857, will be presented a new comedy, adapted by Mr. Charles Mathews, entitled "Married For Money"
Mrs. Mowatt's benefit, "Man and Wife", Friday, October 2
Benefit of Mr. I. N. Carr, the favorite pantomimist. Saturday evening, July 16, 1859, commencing with the beautiful drama of "The Flying Dutchman"
Thomas D. Rice Performing "Jump, Jim Crow" Routine at American Theatre, Bowery, New York, Nov. 25th, 1833
Benefit of Mr. Charles Mathews, who will appear in two popular characters. Tuesday, February 9, the celebrated comedy in three acts, "The Serious Family"
Tuesday evening, March 31, 1857, first appearance of Miss Mary Agnes, the charming American tragedienne, who will make her debut as Bianca, the Italian Wife in the great play of "Fazio"