"The Upper Ten Thousand", "Right and Might", "Jewels of the Orient", "Musical Reminiscences" and "MacMurrogh's Sword; or, The Wild Boy of the Galtees"
Tony Pastor's own company, from Tony Pastor's Theatre, New York City
Monday, February 11, 1878, "The 8th Ward By Day and Night"
Monday evening, June 15, 1857, the performance will commence with the farce in one act, called "The Unfortunate Cobbler"
Monday, March 3, one week only, grand historical Irish comic drama, "Dan Donnelly: Champion of Ireland"
Program for the week commencing October 26, the evening's entertainment will commence with the laughable Negro farce, entitled "The Coopers"
Friday afternoon and evening, July 4, will be presented the new patriotic drama, "The Birth of Freedom"
Friday evening, June 5, 1857, the performance will commence with the farce in one act, called "A Model of a Wife"
Monday evening, June 8, 1857, the performance will commence, for the second time at this theater, the drama in one act, called "The Maid With the Milking Pail"
Monday, January 14, 1878, Georgie Dean Spaulding, queen of the cornet and empress of the harp
Monday evening, June 15, 1857, the performance to commence with the farce in one act, called "The Unfortunate Cobbler"
Monday, January 24. Grand banner week. A great comic play, "Dinkle and McGinty's Racket"
Monday evening, May 18, 1857 will be presented an entire new historical drama in three acts, written by Mr. R. Johnston, called "Jacobe Leisler; or, New York in 1691"
Saturday evening, June 6, 1857, the performance will commence with, for the first time in this theater, the drama in one act, called "The Maid With the Milking Pail"
Friday evening, August 29, 1862, will be presented the laughable pantomime of "The Magic Trumpet" with new tricks, scenery, transformations and fireworks
Glorious attractions for St. Patrick's Day, Tuesday evening, March 17, 1857. "Jack Sheppard" and "Karmel the Scout; or, The Rebels of the Jerseys"
"The Lawyer's Clerk"
Wednesday evening, June 10, 1857, the performance will commence with the drama entitled "Jacobe Leisler; or, New York in 1691" with Mr. R. Johnston as Jacobe Leisler
Mr. F. S. Chanfrau, will appear as Mose in the successful drama of “Linda, the Cigar Girl; or, Mose Among the Conspirators”, Wednesday evening, June 10, 1857