Third night of the engagement of the celebrated Irish comedian and vocalist, Mr. Collins, and production of John Brougham's great romantic drama, entitled "The Duke's Motto"
Monday, April 28, 1873, Mr. Dominick Murray will appear in the romantic drama in three acts by Charles Osborne, entitled "Blood Money"
Monday evening, May 22, 1865, will be presented the fascinating domestic drama in five acts, entitled "Fanchon the Cricket". Miss Maggie Mitchell in her exquisite life-like picture of Little Cricket
Friday evening, November 6, 1874, Mr. Lester Wallack's and Mr. Pierrepont Edwards' adaptation from Octave Feuillet's great drama, "The Romance of a Poor Young Man"
Miss Emma Stanley's benefit will take place this Thursday evening, July 24, on which occasion she will appear in "The Seven Ages of Woman"
During the week ending May 4, 1878, will be presented a new play in four acts, entitled "Diplomacy"
Tuesday, April 12, 1881, a new sensational and realistic drama in five acts and eight tableaux, entitled "The World"
Monday evening, December 28, 1863, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams will appear in three glorious pieces
The new drama, adapted from the French by Mr. George Hoey, "A Child of the State", every evening at 8, and Saturday matinee at 1:30, for the week ending May 8, 1880
First appearance this season of Mr. Lester Wallack in his own five-act drama, "Rosedale", Monday evening, November 13, 1871
Thursday, April 16, 1874, every evening and Saturday matinee until further notice, will be presented Mr. Lester Wallack's celebrated military drama in six tableaux, entitled "The Veteran"
Monday, May 31, 1869, second week of the grand heroic and historic drama in five acts and seven tableaux, entitled "Patrie", by Victorien Sardou
Thursday evening, September 17, 1874, will be presented the serio-comic drama in three acts, written expressly for Mr. Toole by H. J. Byron, entitled "Dearer Than Life"
Miss Charlotte Cushman, her last appearance on the metropolitan stage, Saturday evening, November 7, 1874, in "Macbeth"
Tuesday evening, June 10, 1856, the grand romantic and moral drama in five acts, "The Marble Heart"
Monday, February 24, 1873, the popular American actor, Mr. Oliver Doud Byron, will appear in his great sensational play, "Across the Continent; or, Scenes From New York Life and the Pacific R.R."
Monday, February 10, 1873, third week of the great American actor, Mr. F. S. Chanfrau, who will appear in De Walden's celebrated original comedy in five acts, "Sam"
Miss Emma Stanley's drawing-room amusement, "The Seven Ages of Woman", Thursday evening, July 10th
Monday evening, October 2, 1865, will be produced (never acted) a drama of intense interest, entitled "Lolah" in three tableaux, written expressly for Miss Lucy Rushton
Monday evening, May 21, 1866, a new drama founded on the novel by Charles Dickens, by Mr. George Fawcett Rowe, who will appear as Wilkins Micawber, in "Pages From the History of David Copperfield"